Friday 21 October 2011

The Maiden Voyage

We have ourselves a treat today!

That's right, an introduction post. Some might say, the most (un)interesting part of any blog and some may say those other people are full of shit. But I personally hate these things, which is -perfect-, because now I have something to rant about. That has to wait though unfortunately. I still have to introduce myself.

I am HowlingFetus. No doubt you have heard of me. For those of you who have not, don't worry, there is plenty of time for you to get your head out of your ass and start paying attention. A little information as to what to expect from me is that, unlike my co-author, I have a sense of humor. But you will figure that out on your own as the blog grows from a perfect little seed, to a giant, venomous, man eating plant. A plant that shoots lasers and throws rabid dogs at people. (Only the highest quality mutations occur in our labs)

Maybe you are still confused. It's to be expected since I have not actually said anything relevant to the blog yet. So let me explain the goal of this little project in a nice, simple, dumbass proof way.

 I have your best interests in mind, reader.

So everyone hates things right? Everyone is a little racist. Right? Well maybe not. But if you are in that margin of people who say "I'm totally not racist at all!", then this blog is about you. This blog is about how much we hate you and what you stand for. There will be long, ranting posts about how stupid you sound and short witty remarks about your douche baggery. How fun!

Never fear though! We arnt just targeting liars and douche bags! We will be ripping into just about everything and everyone! No one is safe! So rest easy knowing that even YOU can be included in our hate speeches. Hell, not even I'm safe.

So finally...
Welcome to "No offence, But..."
Please, remember that we have only one rule.

"If you dont like it, -Get The Fuck Out-"

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