Tuesday 29 November 2011

Life as a Walrus

Greetings loyal followers, HowlingFetus here with yet another post. Today children, our topic is weight loss! Or more specifically, my weight loss.

I'm a big lass. Numbers don't matter but to give you an idea, when I go out, I tend to only see a handful of people bigger than me, if any at all. I suppose all those other fat people are hiding. Which is fine I suppose, but I would feel better if I didn't feel like I am drawing peoples gaze all the time and instead the judgemental glares are upon some other chunky ass.

So generally I entertain the idea of losing weight. I try. A lot. I've tried diet, exersize, diet AND exersize, weight loss pills, starving myself, and still nothing seems to work. It's like my body is programmed to be this way. Which sucks balls.

So I went to see my doctor in the hopes that they could say or do something that might make a difference. What I got out of it was the number of a dietician. Of course, most people would see that as a hugely helpful thing to receive but to me, its a waste of time. I know nothing this dietician can say or do for me will help. I might lose a few kg but it will stop. It always does. Which will be followed by me somehow gaining back that weight and more, despite following this diet to the letter. I know this will happen because it has happened a dozen times before.

This is all very pessimistic of me but the reality is that -nothing- works. Which bothers me... Because I'm not an ugly girl. I have a cute face and all but It's hidden behind the chunkyness. It's not fair, because seriously, I would very much like to be on a date or at least been kissed before I turn 20 in 4 months time. I'm starting to realise that the fact that I've given up any hope of ever being attractive is not as pathetic as I might have once believed, since it doesnt seem to be in my control.

I dont know people. As much as I try, I'll always be a fat girl and I dont know if I will ever be ok with that. It might be different if someone who -didnt- have a fat fetish or wasnt my best friend said "you're beautiful".

But hey.
Dreams are just dreams.

Friday 25 November 2011

Nine Deadly Sins?

So I figured it was about time that I write something on this blog and get it back into action. As I currently have nothing to complain about, I figured this is as good of a topic as ever. I want to talk about the 7 deadly sins. As I have done previously, I will be making extensive use of Google Definitions. However, when I began to look these up, I realized that in wikipedia there is actually 9 deadly sins...

"A very strong sexual desire". I highly doubt there is anyone on Earth that hasn't or won't have"very strong sexual desires" at some point during their lives. Hell, I'm about as emotionally stunted as a person can come and even I've lusted after people. Isn't lust a much nicer word than saying you have a very strong sexual desire for someone? However, it definitely isn't as 'to the point' as saying to someone "I have a very strong sexual desire for you.." or "I desire you strongly.. in the pants.".

"Habitual eating to excess". I type this as I'm down to my last square of a block of chocolate that I started eating only an hour ago.. Actually, I take that back.. I have no more chocolate as I am typing this. I know that I didn't need to eat the entire block of chocolate. And it wasn't even emotional eating or anything like that. When I'm eating something, I'll be really enjoying it to start with.. And then I'll notice that there's only 1 more row until half the block is gone, so I say to myself; Well I can't leave it like that. That just looks ridiculous. Then I'll forget about what I was trying to accomplish, and eat some more. And finally I will realize that there is no point leaving an insignificant amount there, like, a quarter of a block. That's just not fair for when I want to eat it again!

"Intense and selfish desire for something, esp. wealth, power, or food". I think that I have a very intense and selfish desire to be better than other people. However, there are lots of people like this, but we don't call it sinning anymore. We call it having a "competitive nature".

"Reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness". I actually left this until last because I didn't know what to write on it i.e. I was being sloth. There are always times when people are reluctant to work or to make an effort, I wouldn't nesecarily say that it's a bad thing, sometimes it just really doesn't matter if you give 100% on something, especially if the outcome is going to be no different.

"Spiritual or mental sloth". I don't have faith. I believe that that makes me spiritually sloth. It's not that I'm arrogant enough to say that there is certainly no God, it is just that I don't know. I believe that this kind of opinion is known as being agnostic. Agnostic is defined as; Of or relating to agnostics or agnosticism. This is exactly how I would define it. But, I think that this kind of spiritual sloth would also be considered an entire mental sloth, as it's based on me being undecided. There are certain aspects of religion that I do believe in, such as the whole moral basis.. be a good person.. I believe in an afterlife and that if you're a good person that you should be rewarded.. But I don't know if this is real or not. I haven't died yet, so I can't tell you.

"Extreme anger". I have extreme anger for a lot of things. I once had this guy as my best friend, let's call him Hatchet. I call him this because he once threw a hatchet at me while we were camping. Anyway, so Hatchet used to live with me because his mum kicked him out. He lived with me for quite a while. It was an extremely irritating experience. In fact, it was an extremely angering experience. However, we stopped being friends once he told my mother, the woman who had taken him in and looked after him, to go to hell. There is no one on Earth that can get away with being rude to my family or friends without incurring my wrath.

"A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck". HowlingFetus here, guest authoring this section for YourCaptainSpeaking, coz basically, I have a perfect example of envy. See, she got a boyfriend recently! My best friend! Got a boyfriend! That makes me really really happy. BUT I'm also a selfish asshole. I am undeniably jealous of her having a relationship which forces me to have slightly sub par feelings towards the whole situation. I'm less envious of her -now- than before since you know... true love conquers all and YourCaptainSpeaking is pretty great. But the point is that I was jealous (envious) of her and the boyfriend, 007, that I could have very easily killed the friendship we have. Luckily I came to my senses before any damage was done. But you know, everyone gets like this. You cant help it. It's a part of being human and to deny it is to deny your humanity. So fuck god and his rules. This sin is exempt in my eyes.

"Being especially proud of a particular quality or skill". One of the qualities that people talk about at university or at work is being able to take pride in yourself and your work. Am I being set up to go to hell by the people around me? No, I don't think so. It's good to take pride in your qualities, it gives you confidence. And confidence attracts people to you. Having pride in yourself will make people lust for you. Maybe I should write a self-help book; The 9 Deadly Sins: How to make life your Bitch. I think it would sell, and I will make tons of money. How greedy is that?

"Inordinate pride in oneself or one's achievements; excessive vanity". Now, I don't know if you've also realized this by now, but all these sins are basically telling you not to excessively do anything. And for the extra sins that have been added (Acedia and Vainglory), are basically stating not to excessively violate of the other deadly sins (i.e. sloth and pride). I think that's a little excessive in itself. But I do really like this word; Vainglory.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

I, on behalf of all of us here at No Offence, But... studios, would like to apologise for our lack of posting. It is of course in no way our fault and is much more likely to be yours.

Thank you for accepting the blame.

We will begin regular updates again shortly.


Wednesday 9 November 2011

Waiting is like being Dead... It's pretty Shit.

Truely a matter of life and death has come to my attention.

I have just noticed that my copy of Modern Warfare 3 will be ready at 7 in the morning. Sooner if I lived anywhere but Australia, but hey, our government likes us living in the stone age.

Anyways! You cant possibly know how excited I am for this... It's gonna be like an orgasm sandwich.

And I really fucking love sandwiches.

I cant imagine how excited im gonna get when Skyrim comes out.

Well no doubt once I am able to play MW3, i'm gonna withdraw from society and complete my metamorphasis into a morbidly obese cave dwelling hermit who lives for the soul purpose of pwning n00bs.

We'll see, wont we.

Saturday 5 November 2011

There's a Snake in my Boot!

My boot (house) is currently inhabited by a Snake (bitch).
I'm fairly sure I've mentioned this Snake once or twice before. I know for damn sure that she pops up 2 out of 3 times in the Diary of a Fetus and I know I've beaten this subject to a bloody pulp, but I really just don't think any of you understand just how much of a pain in my ample ass this Snake character is.

Yeah. So Snake is a nosey bitch. She doesn't know what's -her- business and what isn't.
Snake loudly slurps every drink she takes and then.... "AAAHHHHhhhh"
Snake types on her computer as if every key stroke we're a matter of life and death, ESPECIALLY the enter key...

Did I mention she was my house mate? I'm sure you figured that out. She's gotta be the worst house mate in the universe. The whole universe. Not just this universe. Every single universe ever. Buuut you know... I'm stuck with her. I mean, I could just kill myself or something but it's only just barely not going to be enough to escape such horror and I don't think I can be bothered forming a suicide cult just to get the bad taste of the Snake out of my mouth.

Seriously, let me tell you guys something she did today.
She recently purchased computer headphones with a microphone thing attached so she can talk to people in games and her computer just happens to be in the living room *sigh*.
So I tell her;
"If you're gonna use those things, maybe you should move your computer into your room."

Now what do you think is a normal reaction to this statement? "No, thanks, I just wont use them any more." or maybe "OK fine but let it go on record I'm not happy about it".

Well no that wasn't quite what Snake had in mind when I asked her to piss off. She chose to bang her hands on the table 3 times, scream and start crying.


So I think you understand just what I'm dealing with here.
If any of you readers have any idea how to get rid of a Snake problem without having to buy a fortune worth of Mongooses, please... PLEASE let me know.


Monday 31 October 2011

Sunday 30 October 2011

The Plague

Traditionally, a Plague was a disease that wiped out half of Europe. This post is more akin to a plague of locusts, only far, FAR more dangerous and cruel.

I am of course talking about Mormons.

Mormons. Dressed in private school boy suits, armed to the teeth with bibles and pamphlets and wearing a pleasing demeanour like a suit of armour. They take advantage of even the smallest opening and pour themselves into your life like an Octopus squeezing into a crack in a wall.

The face of evil.

I have this thing... it's sort of a tick. See, when someone talks to me, I'll be polite, no matter how much of an asshole they are or how obviously Mormon they are. When these people first knocked on my door I figured I would be nice and speak to them. Humour them.
My first mistake.
Getting to know these people was a mistake of incredible proportions. They turned out to be really nice people. I became friends with them. A second mistake. After becoming friends with them, I realised that they were in fact still trying to convert me. Oh and after 3 months, both of these Mormons transferred to a new area so I got stuck with two new guys. These guys could barely speak English and were extremely awkward.

So now I'm stuck with these foreign idiots who visit me DAILY and I don't know how to tell them to kindly fuck off. How... how do I live with this plague? The only cure is to be cruel and tell them to go die somewhere. But I cant do that. Not to their face. Maybe I should show them this post? Pretty fantastic idea I think.

Either that or I dig up a rifle or something and remove them the old fashioned way.

That seems easier...

Friday 28 October 2011

Tsk Tsk Mr Penguin

Uh oh! Its HowlingFetus and she's armed with a laptop! Take cover!

Yeah. Yeah I know. My past posts have been lacking in the funny department, but I assure you... This one's a good'un. Want to know why? Sure you do. Let me tell you.

It's about a particularly annoying friend of mine that just happens inspires me to rage and rant like I did in the early days of "No Offence, But...". You know, when things I made were funny instead of depressing and relatable.

Well fuck that I don't want you people relating to me. Not only does it make ME look bad, but it makes you look worse. So let me just get started hmm?

So here's this guy right? I'm gonna call him The Penguin (inspired by the Socially Awkward Penguin meme). See, he's a little... special. Don't get me wrong, he isn't one of those Herpy Derp types of special people. He's just a little bit inwardly focused. Something along the lines of Ass burgers syndrome or whatever.
ANYWAY, he has this habit of saying very random, very stupid and very uninteresting things. Today for example, he decided to quote Wheatly from Portal 2 over and over and over and over and over and over... etc.

Well yes that doesn't seem so bad. But it's annoying. To me. Who has very little patience for dumbassery. I don't even have the patience to deal with my dumbassery, so you can imagine how frustrating this sort of thing could be. (Here's a hint though... the answer you should be imagining is "Quite")

So here I am, ignoring him while he spouts the ramblings of a slightly retarded robot and I get to thinking about a little incident I had with him a few weeks back! The Penguin was talking about how nobody likes him, girls wont let him bone them, he's lonely, etc. I relate to that. I'm sure you relate to that too, peons. But when you say "hey, listen, you're lonely and you're a good friend. If you wanted to go out with me, i would be happy to give it a shot". I said this -despite- my lesbian nature. But what does he do? He says "I don't like fat chicks"
... what.
Beggars cant be choosers ass bag! Listen Penguin, I don't like skinny men with penises, but I still figured the companionship would be nice. Don't get me wrong though, I'm actually glad he didn't want to. I't was a relief in the end. But damn, what a way to break it to someone! It's like me saying to him if he -DID- ask me out "Sorry but I don't like aspies". Not that this is true. I figure everyone is worth a shot. It's what's inside that counts, blah blah blah girly acceptance.

As I've mentioned in a previous post, I'm probably one of the most accepting and open minded people in the entire known universe but that doesn't mean I wont hate you're guts if you openly tell me I'm unattractive because of my body. Fuck that I say. I like my body, you don't have to, but don't TELL me how you feel. Even bitches like me have feelings. In fact my feelings are probably bigger since they grow with the rest of me. So think before you speak you stupid Penguin bastard!

And please... PLEASE stop talking about Portal 2... I just cant deal with it any more dude. It wasn't -that- good! Get a new obsession for the love of CHRIST, I'm BEGGING YOU.

As with all friends, eventually I'm gonna drop you entirely Dr. Penguin, but until then, make your existence a little less of a pain in the ass.

WELL anyway, that is all for now Peons. I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed the breaks in-between writing it.

Thursday 27 October 2011

End of the world..

Readers, this is YourCaptainSpeaking, if you look to your right you will see our new poll, 'How do you want the world to end?'.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Honestly, Honesty.

So one of our readers brought up the word validation in one of his comments.. This lead me to thinking about what I wanted to be 'validated' in. Which, in turn, lead me to thinking; Should I be honest about this need for validation?

AND THIS finally got me thinking about honesty.. That's right. Honesty. And I don't know about you, but I'm not always a very honest person. Well I don't lie often, but I do keep a lot of things to myself. So is this wrong? Should I be more open?

Google defines honesty as:
  1. The quality of being honest.
  2. A European plant (genus Lunaria) of the cabbage family

That was a tremendous waste of the 10 seconds I took to open the google browser and type in "what is honesty?".

Now, when I think about the fact that I should be more "honest", I think about certain times where I have been honest and it's smacked me back in the face.. Much like the time when this inappropriately-dressed girl, in the middle of winter, said that she was cold.. and I replied "well maybe if you put clothes on this morning, you wouldn't be.".
This was, apparently, not a very good time to be honest.

I've been told that I don't pick the right times. Which, from the example I just gave you above, would seem like an accurate assumption. However, I'm not exactly sure if this was just a "wrong time" to be honest, or if I just didn't really care. I admit it, I do not like this girl very much.

So with all that said, I bring you back to my point about wanting validation; the act of being validated, as Google would say. Sometimes you just need to be told you're doing a good job, you know? Even if you know you're doing a good job. In fact, when I'm praised for doing a good job, I nearly always try harder next time I'm doing something similar to 'out-do' myself. I can get pretty competitive.

Speaking of competition, you know what's a pretty stupid game? Tic Tac Toe. You win, then the other person wins, then you're up to date with all the moves and you draw 10 times in a row before you both decided that it's just too boring.

This is YourCaptainSpeaking, asking you all to be honest with those around you. Because hey, if those around us don't like what we have to say, then fuck that.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Sorry, is my existance bothering you?

Oh look it's another post already! By your favourite author no less!

Hello again peons, this is HowlingFetus with yet another rant. This time however, It will not be depressing and mopey or anything to that effect. No. Today's rant is about intolerance. Or more specifically, intolerant ass bags.

Let me start with what pissed me off just now. Now, I at no point have claimed to be a tolerant or accepting person. That would be because I feel no need to justify myself to anybody. But hey, I'm just gonna put it out there that I'm just about the most accepting person you will ever meet. I have to be. I'm a freak. I've been judged and hated for who I am more times than I care to remember. But when a person insults and passes judgement on me (or anyone for that matter) based on something as ridiculous as preferring to bang your own gender as opposed to the opposite, things tend to get a little hazy and fists start flying.

I think everyone has that one thing that sets them off. Mine just happens to be homophobia. Which is all to common (although decreasingly so). More common these days is religious intolerance. I cant tell you how many times I have been around someone as they hatefully remark on a woman wearing a burka or a cross around her neck.
Yes... Even the cross is getting hate frequently enough for me to raise the issue.

These things really piss me off. I mean, sure I made a joke about Christians in an earlier post, but I honestly have nothing against them. I simply did so to make a point. I know first hand the intolerance directed towards gays and strangely, even vegetarianism. I mean, for fucks sake people, these people are making a concious decision to not be a part of the slaughter of animals. How can anyone judge them for that?

The general level of intolerance and hate that just seems to -exist- in the world now forces me to hide my opinions and beliefs for fear of being judged more harshly than I already am. Now, I don't claim to know you, but I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about. Fat people are instantly judged as being greedy, rich people are judged as being snobby assholes, teenagers are judged as being vandles and delinquents. There is no exception to the rule. Everyone is hated by someone for some completely invalid reason.

...and that pisses me off.

If you have any comments, such as, i dunno... an opposing view, I'm happy to hear it and discuss it with you.

Oh and since I'm supposed to be making this post less depressing, I'm gonna give you a free joke...

Two cows are in a field
One says "Moo"
The other says "I was just about to say that!"

Thank you and goodnight peons!

Sunday 23 October 2011

Nothing is Fair in Love and War

Hello again fans. Welcome to yet another rant by HowlingFetus.

Todays topic is a follow up on YourCaptainSpeaking's last post about the Friend Zone. It got me to thinking that although that situation is common and we can all relate to it, there are other forms of frustration in the love and romance department. I plan on touching on one in particular that has caused me a great deal of heart break and sadness. Something that effected me so greatly that even today, I still have the same thoughts and feelings as I did when it happened. I still cry myself to sleep some nights. I still wake up in the middle of the night, my cheeks crusted from the salt of evaporated tears. You may have now realised that this post will not be in following of my normally humorous rants, but please, give it a chance. This comes from the heart and is not easy for me to talk about .

What I am obviously speaking of, is Love. Not just the love between a regular boyfriend and girlfriend, but something far stronger. Something has persisted for years after not seeing this person. I'm going to call her Binky for the purpose of the blog since we dont use real names here.

So let me start from the beginning. 6 years ago, I met her in class at high school. We were both young, and as young people often do, we became friends just by effect of proximity. It was only a few weeks before I started to "like" her and I made no attempt to keep it a secret. In fact I believe the first thing I did the next day was ask her out which was followed up by a shattering NO.

Fine, I can deal with that. Everyone is rejected once or twice. Well over the years following, I continued to be enamoured by her. Unfortunately, that little crush didnt stay a little crush. It became something more and over time, I fell in love with her. Binky of course had no feelings for me in return but took some form of joy in toying with me. Things arnt easy for a lesbian at high school but they are even harder when you fall in love with a person who treats you like the latest accessory.

Well more time passed and no the two of us have not spoken in nearly 2 years. Most of the time people would think "Well good riddance! I can get on with my life!"...
Not me. I cant let go. I still love her and am afraid I always will. The internal conflict of hating myself for loving her and loving myself for staying strong is almost as bad as the feeling of lonelyness that comes whenever I hear her name or see her face.

It has become a curse that I cant escape no matter what I do, but at least I know I am not alone. I know there are others out there in that exact same situation and this post is for you as much as it is for me.

Love is shit, Love sucks and Love is a waste of time and yet still I hold out hope that I will find my special someone who will love me back. I'm ready to inflict that curse, if only to know the satisfaction that I have taken some form of revenge on life.

Well, thank you for reading. If you have any comments or suggestions on how to make the blog better, leave a comment or use the shout box.
Fuck it.

The "Friendzone"

No offence, but I don’t want to be your wingman anymore. And by yours, I mean his, 007’s. I don’t even know if I ever want to be 007’s wingman. I can’t even blame him for the idea either because I was the one that suggested that I would help him pick up beautiful women that resemble HowlingFetus’ shit-for-brains girl. These are the types of girls that I couldn’t even hope to hold a tea-light candle to.. I’m not a very girly person. I don’t dress or act like a girl, and I don’t really convey many emotions to people I know (which is the best thing about ranting to strangers).

If you asked me a few weeks ago if I even considered being in a relationship with 007 I would have screwed up my face in the same manner in which I did when I saw my snake vomit up half a dead rat. Oh god, the smell from that was just…

But the past few weeks, with people asking me about how close 007 and I are getting, whether we’re in a relationship or not.. I seem to have taken him out of the elusive “friendzone” in my mind, and it’s always pretty difficult to put someone back in.. I’m sure some of you out there know what I’m talking about... And I’m so far within this guy’s friendzone that he is almost disgusted at the mere idea of us being an “us”. I think the best example of this was when he told me about a "deep and meaningful" he had when one of his friends asked him about what was going on.. He told me how real men have D&M's..
Friend: So, you and the Captain, eh?
007: Hell no.

Pretty damn funny, huh?

Don’t get me wrong though.. I’m not in love with the guy.. I don’t know if I want to be in a relationship.. I honestly don’t know what I want.. But shit, man. Is it really such a bad idea?

This is YourCaptainSpeaking, sending a big screw you to the friendzone.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Walk that line

No offence, but there is a really fine line between being self confident and being totally and utterly full of yourself.

 I used to have a good friend who I will refer to as "shit for brains". She was a nice girl. Funny, charming... everything you want in a friend. But she had one huge flaw that just made it impossible to tolerate her presence in my life. One MASSIVE trait that made her very existence a blight upon the earth.

She was an arrogant fuck.

 Let me give you my personal favourite example.
Shit for Brains was a very attractive woman. Long legs, perfect tits and eyes that looked like gem stones. She had everything every girl dreamed of having. Was that enough though? No. She believed... and I quote...
"Being pretty is so hard. People always expect you to be perfect. I would rather be ugly"
I'm sorry... what?

That's right reader. She would rather be ugly. Now to YOU this may not seem like a big deal, but remember, you're a dumb shit. See, to me (and the rest of the world) this would be considered hardcore douchebaggery.
Douchebaggery that is all too common these days. Lets be honest here... how many people do you know that you consider to be genuine or at the very least, not an asshole. One? Two?  You're lying. Everyone is an asshole, some just hide it better than others. If you think you're exempt from this, you're wrong.

Maybe you're a friendly, helpful, Christian! You sound like a pretty great person right?
Wrong again fuck nuts.
You're a Christian. So every time you mention god or talk about your saviour, someone around you is thinking "What an asshole".
Not even you are safe. But hey at least you arnt Shit for Brains.

Well that's all I have to say in this little rant.
If you liked it, comment. If you don't, kindly get the fuck out.

Until next time this is The Fetus, saying Fuck You to all you self centred pricks!

Friday 21 October 2011

That annoying, little voice...

No offence, but.. You know that annoying little voice that you hear in the back of your head? You know the one. It's the one that is constantly trying to suck up to you. To appeal to your good nature. Well, that annoying little voice to me, is a real human being, who I shall kindly refer to as, "Stalker Chick".

I realize that I haven't actually introduced myself, and you're going to have to forgive me for this. But I believe that we have to just butter this muffin and dive straight into the deep, moist, excruciatingly hot crevice that is my first rant.

So let me give you some background on Stalker Chick. I met this individual on the first day of university orientation. I thought to myself that day "Hmm, I have no friends. That retard over there has no friends. Maybe we can be friends!". And just a warning to all of those reading this blog, I do this frequently. If there is any freak within a ten mile radius, you can bet I'm going to try and talk to them. Or they're going to try and talk to me. And then they'll appear on this blog for all of you to see and to judge.

As I was saying.. This chick, from then on, decided that we were meant to be together.. She followed me everywhere, and as luck would have it, we were doing the same course. But it wasn't the following me around that drove me insane. It was the fact she is always trying to touch me. And I do not like to be touched. I find any kind of physical contact to be highly inappropriate, especially when the contact is adjacent to my skin.

I dropped part of my course last semester. I was doing a double degree, and decided that I wanted to pursue only one of said degrees (the one where you're actually required to think). When I dropped this degree, it meant that I had no more subjects with that stalking waste-of-space. I was free from her for a few months. She didn't see me around campus. She never text me. She never e-mailed me.

It was like that feeling you get when you prove someone wrong. Three times in a row. Heaven.

Now she's decided that we're best friends again. And I have told her on countless occasions that I don't like her. In fact, it's the only time she thinks I'm being sarcastic, when it's truly the only time when I'm -not- being sarcastic.

So you know what, Stalker Chick?
No offence, but I don't like you touching me.
No offence, but I don't like the fact that you think I'm your friend.
No offence, but I don't even think I like the way you breathe.

So no offence, but I want you to take offence. Because I. Don't. Like. You. And I know for certain that I never will.

This concludes the first of what I believe to be many rants to come. Thank you for coming, Thank you for reading. Thank you for judging. Please feel free to post your questions, your comments, your insults or even your own rants to our blog.
We claim to value your input.

The Maiden Voyage

We have ourselves a treat today!

That's right, an introduction post. Some might say, the most (un)interesting part of any blog and some may say those other people are full of shit. But I personally hate these things, which is -perfect-, because now I have something to rant about. That has to wait though unfortunately. I still have to introduce myself.

I am HowlingFetus. No doubt you have heard of me. For those of you who have not, don't worry, there is plenty of time for you to get your head out of your ass and start paying attention. A little information as to what to expect from me is that, unlike my co-author, I have a sense of humor. But you will figure that out on your own as the blog grows from a perfect little seed, to a giant, venomous, man eating plant. A plant that shoots lasers and throws rabid dogs at people. (Only the highest quality mutations occur in our labs)

Maybe you are still confused. It's to be expected since I have not actually said anything relevant to the blog yet. So let me explain the goal of this little project in a nice, simple, dumbass proof way.

 I have your best interests in mind, reader.

So everyone hates things right? Everyone is a little racist. Right? Well maybe not. But if you are in that margin of people who say "I'm totally not racist at all!", then this blog is about you. This blog is about how much we hate you and what you stand for. There will be long, ranting posts about how stupid you sound and short witty remarks about your douche baggery. How fun!

Never fear though! We arnt just targeting liars and douche bags! We will be ripping into just about everything and everyone! No one is safe! So rest easy knowing that even YOU can be included in our hate speeches. Hell, not even I'm safe.

So finally...
Welcome to "No offence, But..."
Please, remember that we have only one rule.

"If you dont like it, -Get The Fuck Out-"